Missouri Highway Patrol Crash (2025)

1. Online Traffic Crash Reports

  • Boat and Drowning Incidents

  • Online Traffic Crash Reports

2. Traffic Crash Reports - Missouri State Highway Patrol

  • Online Traffic Crash Reports: A search tool to identify persons involved in crashes that occurs in the past 29 days. Disclaimer.

  • Traffic Safety Compendium: A compilation of year end traffic statistics.

3. Request a Traffic Crash Report - Missouri State Highway Patrol

  • Request a Traffic Crash Report. Currently, the Missouri State Highway Patrol charges a $6.00 fee for each basic motor vehicle crash report.

  • Currently, the Missouri State Highway Patrol charges a $6.00 fee for each basic motor vehicle crash report.  Requests for report copies of crash reports, including certified copies, that occurred in 1997 or later can either be forwarded to the Highway Patrol headquarters of the troop where the motor vehicle crash occurred, or requested from the Highway Patrol headquarters nearest you. (A listing of troop headquarters, their mailing address and telephone number can be obtained by visiting the Home page of this Website.) However, requests for report copies of crashes that occurred in 1996 or earlier, certified crash reports, crash report photographs or crash reconstruction reports must be forwarded to the Patrol Records Division.

4. Missouri state highway patrol accident reports - Facebook

  •  the man was driving on a suspended. And was let go by the Missouri Highway patrol. And he had more than one driving on a suspend. And still was let go. H ...

  • Your request couldn't be processed

5. Mo. State Highway Patrol releases crash report from Labor Day weekend

  • 3 sep 2024 · JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. ( ...

  • The Missouri State Highway Patrol has released its preliminary crash report from Labor Day weekend.

Mo. State Highway Patrol releases crash report from Labor Day weekend

6. MSHP Troop Crash Report - Missouri Department of Transportation

7. The Missouri Highway Patrol has released its preliminary report of the ...

  • There were 130 driving while impaired arrests and 14 drug arrests. Two of the fatalities occurred in the Troop I area of the patrol. On the waterways, officers ...

  • The Missouri Highway Patrol has released its preliminary report of the Memorial Weekend traffic accident. Ten people...

The Missouri Highway Patrol has released its preliminary report of the ...

8. Missouri Highway Patrol monitoring stretch of U.S. 63 near West Plains ...

  • 4 jun 2024 · The Missouri State  ...

  • U.S. 63 between West Plains and Thayer is well known for crashes and deaths.

Missouri Highway Patrol monitoring stretch of U.S. 63 near West Plains ...

9. Sikeston man killed in two-vehicle crash on Highway 72 - KFVS12

  • 11 jul 2024 · Officers with the  ...

  • Officers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop E have cleared the scene of a deadly two-vehicle crash involving a commercial vehicle on Highway 72.

Sikeston man killed in two-vehicle crash on Highway 72 - KFVS12

10. How to Obtain Your Missouri State Highway Patrol Crash Report

  • 5 dec 2023 · 1. In-Person. Visit a Missouri State Highway Patrol headquarters office during business hours and ask for a copy of your accident report. Make ...

  • Learn how to obtain your Missouri State Highway Patrol crash report easily. Follow our step-by-step guide to access your report quickly and hassle-free.

How to Obtain Your Missouri State Highway Patrol Crash Report

11. Missouri Highway Patrol identifies teenager killed in crash on I-44 in ...

  • Duur: 1:17Geplaatst: 22 okt 2023

  • KY3's Michael Hoffman reports

Missouri Highway Patrol identifies teenager killed in crash on I-44 in ...
Missouri Highway Patrol Crash (2025)


Are Missouri crash reports public record? ›

All information on crash reports is considered an "open record" and cannot be withheld from the public.

What is the retirement age for the Missouri Highway Patrol? ›

104.081. Highway patrol retirement age. — Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any uniformed member of the highway patrol may retire at age fifty-five with four years of creditable service with a normal annuity and shall retire at age sixty.

How to file an accident report in Missouri? ›

The accident report must be mailed to us within one year of the accident date. MAIL THE COMPLETED ACCIDENT REPORT FORM AND ANY ATTACHMENTS TO THE DRIVER LICENSE BUREAU, P.O. BOX 200, JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 65105-0200, OR FAX TO (573) 526-7365.

Which accident involving property damage requires the operator to file an accident report with the Missouri State Highway Patrol? ›

You must report accidents that happen in Missouri to the Driver License Bureau if: The accident happened less than one year ago, The accident involved an uninsured motorist, AND. The accident caused property damage costing more than $500, or someone was injured or killed.

How long do accidents stay on your record in Missouri? ›

You might be wondering, How long does an accident stay on your record? Each state has a different protocol for handling how accidents appear on your driving record. A Missouri accident record will continue to show for three years following the crash, but some other infractions might stay on your record for longer.

How can I find out about local car accidents? ›

Visiting the official website of your local police or sheriff's department might provide online access to recent accident reports or instructions on how to obtain them. Of course, these databases take time before they are updated. You can use non-emergency phone lines to inquire about specific incidents.

How much do Missouri Highway Patrol troopers make? ›

Highway Patrol Salary in Missouri
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$88,172$7,347
75th Percentile$62,800$5,233
25th Percentile$40,800$3,400

How much do police officers get paid in Missouri? ›

How much does a Police make in Missouri? As of Sep 2, 2024, the average annual pay for the Police jobs category in Missouri is $52,622 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $25.30 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,011/week or $4,385/month.

What age is considered a senior citizen in Missouri? ›

Definition for Missouri's Older Adults

At the age of 62 one can retire with social security benefits within the U.S. and is considered to be the age of a senior citizen by many organizations. However, the federal government has determined one who is 65 years of age is a senior citizen.

How long after an accident can you file a police report in Missouri? ›

Required by law – Some accidents must be reported.

Under Missouri law, an accident shall be reported within 30 days if any owner/operator of an involved vehicle is uninsured and one of the following circumstances are met: anybody is injured. anybody is killed.

What happens if the person at fault in an accident has no insurance in Missouri? ›

In this situation, you would use your own policy's uninsured motorist (UM) protection, which Missouri law requires. Your medical expenses, past and future lost wages, pain and suffering, and other emotional harms will all be covered by this coverage. You can get back as much as your policy's UM allowance.

How much uninsured motorist coverage do you have to carry in MO? ›

The law also requires you to have uninsured motorist coverage of $25,000 for bodily injury per person and $50,000 for bodily injury per accident.

How is fault determined in a car accident in Missouri? ›

Understanding Fault Determination in Missouri

Missouri uses a pure comparative negligence system for car accidents. In this system, each party is assigned a percentage of fault based on their contribution to the accident.

Which type of collision must be reported? ›

A collision must be reported to police when there are any injuries, damage exceeds $5,000 or you are the victim of a hit and run.

When a crash results in property damages of any amount must the driver notify the Florida Highway Patrol the Sheriff's Department or the City Police Department? ›

Section 316.065, Florida Statutes, requires the driver of a vehicle involved in a crash involving injury or death to a person, or at least $500 estimated vehicle or property damage to immediately contact local law enforcement.

Are police reports public record in Missouri? ›

Only in certain circumstances are police reports closed to the public. For example, if any information from the report could potentially pose harm or danger to anyone mentioned in the report (witness, officer, victim), that specific portion or the entire police report may be closed.

How to obtain a police report from Missouri State Highway Patrol? ›

Public Record Request
  1. Online: Use the Public Records Center.
  2. In Person: (Normal 20-30 business day processing times still apply) Custodian of Records office at the. Missouri State Highway Patrol. ...
  3. Mailed To: Missouri State Highway Patrol. Attn: Custodian of Records. ...
  4. Faxed To: (573) 526-7168.

How to look up CPS cases in Missouri? ›

How to Access Missouri Child Custody and Support Records. While records of child custody hearings and decrees may be obtained from the office of the clerk of courts in the courthouse where the case was tried, chill support documents are maintained and disseminated by the Missouri Department of Social Services.

Are car accident reports public record in Florida? ›

Under Florida law, crash reports are confidential for the first 60 days after the report is filed. After this period, they become available to the public.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.